Our vision for "Afro Code Academy" is to empower children in underprivileged groups specifically children with migration backgrounds with the skills and knowledge to succeed in the digital world. We believe that by teaching these children how to code, we can help them unlock new opportunities and pave the way for a brighter future.

We also offer FREE courses for adults in web development and data analytics. Check below for more details

About our Project

Our project, "Afro Code Academy" is run entirely by dedicated volunteers who are passionate about empowering children with the skills and knowledge to succeed in the digital world. We believe that by teaching these children how to code, we can help them unlock new opportunities and pave the way for a brighter future.

Free to Learn

Our courses take place every SATURDAY for a duration of ONE MONTH. We are committed to making our coding classes and workshops accessible to all children, regardless of their financial circumstances. Our courses are completely FREE to attend, and we have no plans to change this in the foreseeable future. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn valuable skills and build a brighter future, and we are dedicated to removing financial barriers that might prevent them from accessing our program.

Why Join Afro Code Academy?

In addition to being free, our courses are also designed to be flexible and accommodate learners of all levels. Whether a child is just starting to learn about coding or is already an experienced programmer, we have classes and workshops that will suit their needs and help them achieve their goals.
Language of Instruction: German and English

What courses do we offer?

We have courses for different age groups and these groups are subdivided into smaller groups.

  • Ages 4 - 7 : Our main focus in this age group is teaching logic and sequence through games, robots, apps, and simple coding challenges.

  • Ages 7 - 12 : In this age range, we transition students to learning programming concepts like conditionals, Boolean, variables, loops, and functions. Students can explore these concepts in our classes. Making Games in Scratch, Making Animations in Scratch,Text-based Games in Python, Graphics-based Games using Pygame, Arduino, Minecraft Playing/Modding.

  • Ages 13 - 18 : As they become teenagers, students are developing more maturity and are usually ready to move on to more advanced learning platforms. We teach the following skills and platforms. Python, Arduino (C) and Raspberry Pi (Python), Game Maker Studio, Minecraft Modding, Web Development (HTML/CSS/Javascript).

  • Ages 18+ : Our comprehensive curriculum designed for complete beginners in programming! We offer two exciting tracks to kickstart your journey into the world of coding: Web Development Track: Embark on a thrilling adventure to build your very own website from scratch. Data Analytics Track: Unleash the power of Python and delve into the realm of data analytics! In this track, you'll uncover the secrets of data manipulation, analysis, and visualization using Python.

Workshop Gallery